Featured 1st $399

  • 1st place in all categories your AI tool falls into
  • 1st place during 7 days
  • Verified blue check mark for trust Gold Verified Icon
  • Highlighted for maximum impact
  • Boost your brand’s visibility

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are featured listings? How do I feature my tool?
Featured ads are paid promotions that appear at the top of our site (or sometimes at the bottom). We limit the display of advertising banners for a period of two days per company. This preserves the clarity of the interface and gives other tools a chance to be featured. These slots are often sold in advance.
How does the banner look when I'm featured?
1. Your tool will be displayed mainly as a banner, with a pink button on many pages.Example AIxploria banner2. You will be featured on our home page and on every AI tool presentation pages. Example AIxploria Featured3. You will also appear in first position on the home page and on the Full AI ListDemo home page Ads In this example, Notion AI is highlighted ★
Are all websites accepted?

We are happy to feature most tools, as long as they comply with our standards. All tools are manually reviewed.

Do not submit affiliate links or shortened URLs as they will not be approved. Poorly designed websites, duplicate tools, adult content, AI tools directory, and spammy sites will be rejected. If your tool or website is not related to artificial intelligence, we won't be able to accept it.

Is NSFW content allowed?
No, NSFW content is strictly prohibited on our site.
What is your refund policy?
We offer a full refund if your AI tool is not accepted by our editorial team. Once a tool is accepted and featured, refunds are not available.
I have a large budget. What options do I have?
For larger budgets and custom solutions, please contact our sales team. We can provide tailored options to meet your specific needs.